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Hair Saviours in der Gruppe  bei  Nature Cosmetic Group Of Swedish Lapland AB (HAR-AKUTEN)

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Hair Saviours

For hair that needs something extra. 
5-7 Arbeitstage


In den Warenkorb legen
Care of Gerd's hair saviours. Suitible for hair that needs more moisture and shine. 

This bundle contains: 

-Blueberry Shampoo 200ml. For dry hair that craves more moisture. It is soothing for damaged, dry and frizzy hair.
-Deep Impact Conditioner 200ml. This conditioner is suitable for you that are in need for “all extra.” The active substance of from quinoa and seed oil from blueberry, and strengthens the hair.
-B2  Hair Serum  75ml.  This  is the ultimate leave-in product which rehydrates and maintains the condition of the hair, prevents from frizzing and gives an instant shine.
-Rose Mist  100ml.  This mist isn't just for the face - it also binds moisture to the hair. The curls will be stylish and totally without frizz.

More information can be found on the individual product listings.

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